My Story
My life has not been a straight line from point to point, but rather a series of sharp turns, right angles and unorthodox choices, none of which I regret and each of which led me precisely and inevitably to where I am today.
I began my professional life practicing law. Fast forward a few years when, as a wife and a mother of young children, I became disillusioned, left the practice of law, and took a position teaching Spanish at the Montessori School my children attended, allowing me to enjoy being a mother and having a rewarding career. When my younger child left the school, I felt that my work there was done and I retired from teaching to shepherd my daughter through the process of applying to and selecting a college.
In 2014, with one child headed to university and one in high school, I realized that once again I needed fulfilling work and, feeling drawn to the healing arts, I enrolled in Finger Lakes School of Massage and became a massage therapist. In late 2019, with Covid 19 bearing down upon us, some health concerns of close family members compelled me to research and adopt a whole-food plant-based lifestyle and from there, to take a course from E-Cornell in Whole Food Plant Based Nutrition. This course made me aware that many of the most prevalent and deadly diseases that we face, such as diabetes, heart disease and even cancer, could be impacted and potentially eradicated by diet and lifestyle changes, but my role remained unclear to me.
As my 60th birthday approached, I became increasingly anxious, feeling that I still had something to contribute, although the message I received from society in general, and the media in particular, was that I was not young enough, not beautiful enough, not valuable enough, not…enough. I was a crone in a world that valued youth and beauty above all else. My role as a professional, my role as a mother of children who needed my care—in fact, many of the roles that I thought defined me and established my worth— were shifting and changing. Instead of giving in to the prevailing opinion, I enrolled in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition’s year-long Health Coaching Certification program.
Over the course of the year, I learned not only that I am enough, and that I still have much to contribute, but that I have a role to play in helping people choose and implement healthier lifestyles. As the program came to an end, I realized that most of all, I wanted to coach those of who you feel like you have been written off, who are sick and tired of being unhealthy and listless, and who are ready for change. Through my coaching I want to remind you that you can start where you are now and transform your life. I see you in your perfection—perfect, majestic, healed and whole. I know that you, too, have much to contribute and are worthy of wholeness and happiness, and I want to help you to live a fuller, healthier and more vibrant life.
“One thing I learned from Donna is that there is no one diet that is going to work for everyone, and the best diet is the one that you can stick with both during weight loss and once you reach your goals. Donna’s approach is both individualized, realistic and based on food as medicine.” — Karen Moore (read more)
What is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach?
Certified by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, an IIN Health Coach is a guide and supportive mentor who empowers clients to take responsibility for their health and achievement of their personal wellness goals. A health coach encourages positive changes within client driven wellness goals, assisting them to make behavioral choices which result in real and lasting lifestyle changes.
As an IIN Health Coach, I focus on nutrition, physical activity, relationships, career and spirituality—all elements of health and wellness. Physicians, nurses, dieticians and other healthcare professionals serve crucial functions but they may not have the time to discuss other factors that prevent their patients from carrying out their recommendations. As an IIN Certified Health Coach, I help clients target goals and a viable plan for carrying out regimens and recommendations prescribed by medical professionals as well as enacting basic, health supportive modifications and habits.
Is an Integrative Nutrition Certified Health Coach for me?
The answer is yes if you:
I can assist you to clarify your health and wellness goals and get to the bottom of WHY you really want to change your life. I can assist you in sorting out what diet and lifestyle changes fit you by consulting the expert—you! I can support you as you work toward your health and wellness goals and provide accountability as you make shifts that will enhance your life, adding life to your years and potentially years to your life.
Six Month Health Coaching Package
In this client driven program we will meet bi-weekly in person, or via Zoom, for 50 minute sessions for a total of 12 sessions over six months. In these sessions I will help you clarify your goals and the driving force behind your decision to transform your life, help you determine a few small steps to take toward your goal between sessions, and provide you with some tips and recommendations. The beauty of this package is that the six-month length takes you through a number of holidays and annual celebrations, allowing you to navigate challenging situations and solidify lifestyle changes into lasting transformation. The price of this program is $200 per month; however, I am offering an introductory 20% discount for the first 20 clients who contract with me and start their six-month package by December 31, 2022.
Three Month Intensive Health Coaching Package
This package is ideally suited for those who are highly motivated to make change and have time to implement lifestyle modifications more rapidly. Client driven, we will meet weekly in person, or via Zoom, for 50 minutes for a total of 12 sessions over three months. The price of this program will be $500 per month; however, I am offering an introductory 20% discount for the first 10 eligible clients who contract with me and start their three-month package by December 31, 2022.
If you are considering Health Coaching, download and complete the
Circle of Life Assessment Tool
and schedule a free discovery session with me.
In Practice with
Soul Ease Medical Message
55 Ferris Street, Corning, NY 14830
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©2023 Body Wisdom Therapeutic Massage & Wellness